Legally valid
The sender and the recipient get a legal proof of the communication, the documentary evidence. It is a digitally signed document with a time stamp proving content and time.
Qualsevol estratègia de transformació digital necessita processos de contractació per a empreses i particulars que permetin signar documents en línia o acceptar acords de manera ràpida i fàcil, optimitzant el temps, reduint costos i contribuint a un entorn més sostenible. Però la característica més destacable d'aquests serveis és la seguretat jurídica que aporta qualsevol solució de contractació electrònica certificada.
The sender and the recipient get a legal proof of the communication, the documentary evidence. It is a digitally signed document with a time stamp proving content and time.
Our solutions offer flexibility for customizing the contracting process to align seamlessly with your brand or company.
Save up to 80% compared to traditional methods by signing your documents and contracts electronically.
We provide various electronic contracting solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client.
By reducing paper usage and reliance on fossil fuels, our services help minimize the environmental impact while conserving valuable resources.
An online contracting platform designed for users and companies seeking a fully digital process.
Easily validate digital signatures and generate an electronically signed evidence document.
Sign legally valid contracts via SMS, offering a user-friendly solution for you and your business.
Effortlessly sign legally valid contracts by email, simplifying the process of sending proposals and receiving replies.
Assist in ensuring compliance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.
Introdueix la signatura i la contractació electrònica en tots els processos de la teva empresa
New customers
Tariff changes
Acquire new customers and facilitate tariff changes through automated notifications, enabling quick sign-up for complementary services.
Utilize SMS for communication, including appointment notifications, cancellations, and rescheduling. Obtain GDPR acceptance and sign liability documents.
GDPR acceptance
Sign liability documents
Legal communications
New clients and automation of the commercial process
Extended coverage
Push campaigns leading to the signing of contracts
GDPR acceptance
Labour contracts
To extinction temporary labour contracts
Furlough signatures
Online credit card contracting
Service agreements
Online registrations
GDPR acceptance
Rental contracts
Termination of contracts
Amendments to new clauses
Oferim la gamma més àmplia dels serveis de confiança que cobreixen les necessitats de qualsevol tipus d'empresa.
Notificació electrònica
Correus electrònics o SMS dels quals es pot demostrar fefaentment l'enviament, el lliurament i el contingut.
Signatura i contractació electrònica
Plataforma al núvol de signatura electrònica i solucions de contractació per correu electrònic o SMS
Validació de dades
Solucions KYC, verificació d'identitat, reconeixement de certificats digitals i OCR de documents identificatius.