Electronic notifications

Registered electronic communications bring digital transformation to the authentication of notifications, enabling faster sending, quicker receipt, easier usage, and reduced costs. Furthermore, they maintain their legal validity

Reliable digital communications

Electronic notification services

Registered electronic communications generate documentary evidence to confer legal validity to electronic notifications.
Registered email contract

The easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective way to add legal security to emails.

Registered SMS

Registered SMS provides legal proof of the message's content when sent and received.


An eIDAS qualified online platform to certify the opening of a document sent via registered electronic notification.

Openum eIDAS

Openum eIDAS

Registered invoice

Sending invoices attached to a registered email. Ensure notification of sending, content, and delivery.

Registered Inbox

Certified mailbox for all received messages, including attachments, if any. The sender and the recipient receive the documentary evidence of the communication.

Main uses

Immediate Registered communications

Manage your STC programs

Simplify electronic voting.

Debt collection

Notification of workforce schedules

Send test results to providers (chemical, food, construction, and manufacturing factories).

Confirm order completion for share purchase.

Protection of intellectual rights

Extension of terms

Let us walk you through how it works

All our products

We offer the most comprehensive range of reliable services covering the needs of any type of company.

Electronic notification

Send emails or SMSs with reliable attestation of sending, delivery, and content..

Electronic signature and contracting

Discover our cloud-based electronic signature platform and contract solutions through email or SMS

Data validation

Explore our KYC solutions, identity verification services, digital certificate recognition, and OCR capabilities for identification document processing.