Registered electronic communications
What is a registered electronic communication?
It is a registered electronic communication issued by telematic means where a third party, attests that the communication took place. When we mention registered electronic communications, we refer to SMS and email communications.
These communications are defined in Article 3 of the eIDAS Regulation as "electronic registered delivery service."
“Electronic registered delivery service” means a service that makes it possible to transmit data between third parties by electronic means and provides evidence relating to the handling of the transmitted data, including proof of sending and receiving the data, and that protects transmitted data against the risk of loss, theft, damage or any unauthorised alterations.
Unregistered electronic communications are susceptible to manipulation, making them vulnerable in legal proceedings.
Registered mailing through Lleida.net's systems minimises this risk, since a third party is involved in the communication, recording all the events involved from sending to delivery to the recipient, as well as the content of the text and/or attachments of the communication.
Are registered electronic communications legally binding?
Yes, registered electronic communications are considered a well-established means of communication between individuals, companies, and public organizations. They have validity, effectiveness, and evidentiary admissibility in legal proceedings. .
The eIDAS Regulation describes the legal effects of the service under the general nomenclature of Certified Electronic Delivery Service, insofar as it defines that:
'data sent and received by means of a certified electronic delivery service shall not be denied legal effect and admissibility as evidence in legal proceedings solely on the grounds that it is in electronic form or does not meet the requirements of a qualified certified electronic delivery service'.
Additionally, the Trusted Electronic Services Act 6/2020 and the Civil Procedure Act recognize electronic documents as means of evidence and service.
Along the same lines, Article 24 of the LSSICE recognises that evidence of the conclusion of an electronic contract and its admission as documentary evidence is subject to the general rules of law.
On this service abounds jurisprudence and other resolutions issued in recent years recognizing their validity.
What do I get from sending the Registered Email and the Registered SMS?
A documentary evidence collecting all the information collected in the process is recorded
Registered email provides a legal proof of the content of the message, the exact time the email is sent to the user’s handset, and the moment it is received.
It is a PDF document signed with a qualified time stamp in accordance with EU Regulation 910/2014 and with RFC 3161 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP).
The document constitutes evidence of a private nature, an evidence, surrounded by technological security measures aimed at guaranteeing the authenticity and integrity of its contents. The mechanics of collecting the evidence is only and exclusively carried out in the control environment of Lleida.net, with an Information Security Management System certified in ISO 27001: 2013. All the information is recorded in a document, digitally signed with a qualified signature, and a time stamp from a Certification Authority included.
This document is stored securely in accordance with the criteria of the Information Security Management System. Lleida.net stores the evidence for at least 5 years, whereby its authenticity, integrity and legality can be confirmed at the request of the client and the Court if the validity of the evidence is questioned.
The evidence provided in the form of a certificate has full legal validity and includes:
Details of the sending:
Company name, user ID and sender's email address
Signatory's email address
Time and date of the sending
Time and date of delivery:
Status of the recipient's mail server
The content of the email and its attachments (up to 5 MB)
Technical annex of the sending:
Message id
IP of the outgoing mail server
IP of the destination mail server
When is considered a person to be notified?
According to Article 28.2 of Law 34/2012,
it is deemed that a person has been notified when both parties have a record of the communication. If the recipient acknowledges receipt, it is presumed that they have received the evidence stored on the server where their email account is located or on the device used to receive the communication.
If the recipient acknowledges receipt, it is presumed that they have received the evidence stored on the server where their email account is located or on the device used to receive the communication.
Therefore certifying that the communication is available to the recipient in the mobile for a registered SMS or in the mail server for registered email,is enough to be legally binding,
Why is the certifying authority referred to as a Trusted party?
Lleida.net, as a trust service provider, acts as a trusted party in the current Information Society. It provides trust services, such as electronic signatures and registered electronic deliveries,
in compliance with the eIDAS Regulation.910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal):
"trust service provider" means a natural or legal person who provides one or more trust services, either as a qualified provider or as an unqualified provider of trust services;".
LLEIDA.NET utilizes rigorous security protocols, dependable systems and products, and secure electronic communication channels to establish a dependable environment solely under their control. This environment ensures that the service offered is equivalent to and possesses the same level of recognition and assurance as a user-managed setting.
Is it feasible to execute the signing of contracts and documents using Lleida.net?
Absolutely, Lleida.net offers various options for users to transmit documents for signature.
The dedicated service for document signing, called Click&Sign, is available in standard and customized versions to meet client needs
At the end of the signing process, a documentary evidence in PDF format is generated, accurately recording the events of the signing process.
Why choose Lleida.net?
Lleida.net is a trusted provider of electronic services that is authorized under the eIDAS Regulation to operate across the European Union. It is also licensed as a telecommunications operator in various countries, including Spain, where it has obtained authorization from the CNMC.
It provides electronic Notification and Contracting solutions, electronic signature, eKYC 2.0 identity validation processes, as well as messaging Solutions.
Lleida.net simplifies the processes of digitalization, ensuring legal guarantees in its online communications. Lleida.net's certification services use its proprietary patented technology and it is easy to use, do not require any software installation and reduce the use of paper
Lleida.net provides security and profitability to the electronic communications of companies, improving its results. The key feature of the development of Lleida.net is the innovation in its services , based upon two premises: the ability to listen, understand and satisfy the needs of customers and, as a team, being able to transform these needs into results through R&D in house processes.
Lleida.net was born in 1995 to provide Internet access service, as well as hosting service and sent its first SMS in 2002. Its clients led Lleida.net to investigate how to send secure communications and with proof of delivery. Thus, Lleida.net developed electronic notification solutions: Registered SMS, Registered Email, Registered Invoice, Registered Inbox, Openum, Openum Openum eIDAS, as well as electronic contracting solutions that include the Registered SMS Contract, Registered Email Contract, Click & Sign and Know Your Customer solutions ( eKYC)
Qualified in the European regulation eIDAS in the'Registered Electronic Delivery Services', it is currently listed on the MAB OTC, it has more than 200 patents worldwide and a Telecommunications Operator License in the United States, Colombia, Spain, United Kingdom , France, Dominican Republic and Chile. From its 19 worldwide offices it provides its services to banks, insurers, Insurtech and fintech companies , telecom companies, governments, employment agencies, postal services, utilities, retailers and many other organizations.
More questions
Does an electronic communication originating from outside Spain hold legal validity?
Yes, electronic communications that have been registered by a trusted service provider are recognized as legally valid in many countries worldwide, including all countries within the European Union. The legal framework that safeguards the probative value of registered electronic communications in countries where Lleida.net operates can be found in the following link: https://www.lleida.net/es/marco-legal. If you require information on legal coverage in other countries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can multiple electronic registered communications be purchased? If so, how much does it cost?
. Absolutely, users can buy packages containing multiple registered SMS and email communications form the user portal
What payment methods are accepted?
We currently accept all secure credit/debit cards as methods of payment.